Contact details 

Address : Magenta Occupational Therapy, Unit 9, Coleshill Town Hall, High Street, Coleshill, B46 3BG

Telephone : 0781 0735094 (please leave a message if I am with clients and unavailable - or drop me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible)

Email :

Opening hours 

Appointments can be booked around your comittments with evening and weekend appointments available.  As well as office appointments, we are able to do home, school and work visits as well as appointments using virtual platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams.  Telephone appointments also available. 

Free initial consultation - I always offer an initial free consultation (up to an hour) so that I can fully understand the difficulties and make sure that Occupational Therapy is the right route.  As I will be working closely with you, it is also important that there is a good therapeutic relationship - so it gives an opportunity for you to meet me and think about the best way of working together. 

Social media 

Like us on Facebook (Magenta Occupational Therapy)

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