Guide to understanding and using Weighted Therapy - £15
A great workshop to understanding how to safely use weighted therapy eg blankets, wraps, covering the neuroscience, sensory processing, benefits and safe use. Includes presentation and resources. 
Please email for date of next session

Happy house moving with children - £15
Moving house can be stressful for all concerned - this workshops looks at how you can help children and young people with such a big change, how to get them involved, handling conversations, dealing with anxiety and supporting children with special needs.  Includes presentation and resources. 
Please email for date of next session

Understanding sensory processing - £30
This workshop gives you a good basic understanding of the sensory systems and what sensory processing differences may look like.  It also looks at a range of strategies to help decrease or increase sensory input to help with daily regulation 
Please email for date of next session 

Understanding Dyxpraxia - £30
This workshop looks at the signs and symptoms of Dyspraxia, how Occupational Therapists can assess presenting difficulties and the route to diagnosis.  It also looks at the impact of Dyspraxia on daily living tasks and motor skills, as well as the cognitive and social impact. 
Please email for date of next session


Preparing for moving to Secondary School 
A two part workshop for parents and young people to attend together in preparation for children moving to Secondary School. 
Normally held last 2 weeks of August - please email to be added to waiting list

Parent Workshop : Understanding Deliberate Self Harm - £30
This workshop will look at what is DSH and the warning signs, the cycle of self harming behaviours and assessing risk, strengthening a young person's coping skills, impact on the family and coping strategies. Resources and information on where to get help.  
Please email for date of next session 

Helping your child with Handwriting  - £15
This workshop helps you gain knowledge about the foundation skills your child needs for handwriting and to be able to identify difficulties experienced by your child impacting on their writing ability.  It will provide a range of strategies and advice that can be readily implemented at home and at schol to address handwriting issues independently and confidently 
Please email for date of next session